Summersett Band closes Offside at Wildside. By Byron Toben
Summersett Band closes Offside at Wildside. By Byron Toben
The eclectic Wildside Festival at the Centaur continues. By Byron Toben
Wildside opens with four eclectic choices. By Byron Toben
Four enjoyable but little
reviewed plays from 2015.
By Byron Toben
The wonderful improv folk at Le Nouveau International have done it again.
By Byron Toben
Evening arranged by the Federation of Irish Societies. By Byron Toben
A national theatre school triumph
at the Monument National.
By Byron Toben
Images from the
World of Dreams and Memories
Candlelight Christmas glows brightly.
By Byron Toben
Westmount’s Dramatis Personae
presents six dark comedies.
By Byron Toben
A particular sense of place.
By Bonnie Brotman Shore
Readings on Women painters from the ’20s, part of the Beaver Hall group.
By Byron Toben
Life in a few telling, yet elegant, lines.
By Robert Kilborn
Anana Rydvald’s latest play
unmasks inner conflicts.
By Byron Toben
Sleeping Beauty wakes up to interactive theatre. By Byron Toben
Westmount community theatre group’s Fall production. By Patricia Dumais
Rock opera still resonates
with staying power.
By Byron Toben
Opéra de Montréal: The sublime Richard Strauss. By Robert Kilborn.
Series addresses the human condition and femininity. An exhibition by James Simon