Presenting a new episode of the web series for seniors We’re All In This Together
Article | Health and Wellness
ArticlesExpressing gratitude to all the Health Care Professionals
who work tirelessly beneath the radar screen.
By Georges R. Dupras
Presenting a new episode of the web series for seniors We’re All In This Together
An opportunity to reflect on how we can make
our society more Inclusive. By Jennifer Maccarone
Parkinson Canada advocates for more awareness
and support in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
By Lisa Mintz
My creative way to address inconsistent
virus nomenclature. By Byron Toben
A newsletter to keep you informed of the
latest news about the vaccination campaign
Episode 4 of We’re All In This Together presents movement therapist Mariko Tanabe
Public awareness campaign aims to reduce stigma surrounding mental illness
Pandemics are likely to reoccur until we face
their root causes. By Georges R. Dupras
Thin on systematic evidence, this doc prefers to tell anecdotal stories instead to support its case.
By Tony Moffat
The 20th edition of the campaign takes place until December 24 and you are invited to give