Everything you need
to know about bats!
It’s that Halloween time again: discover these amazing and helpful creatures
October 29, 2021
A very special week is starting for kids: this Sunday is Halloween! For the occasion, Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), the Zoo de Granby and Appalachian Corridor have put together a series of playful educational videos to raise awareness among children and adults about the problems bats are facing. The short clips will be shared on social media, as well as on our website throughout the week!
The myths and stories are still alive and well
In these three two-minute clips, we address some of the myths about bats and debunk them for everyone’s benefit. Where do vampire stories come from? Can bats really get tangled in our hair? Why are they sometimes found in attics? The answers to these questions and others should help people better appreciate these small flying mammals. To learn the truth yourself, check out our social media accounts this week!
In these three two-minute clips, we address some of the myths about bats and debunk them for everyone’s benefit. Where do vampire stories come from? Can bats really get tangled in our hair? Why are they sometimes found in attics?
The fact is: bats are in danger!
In the videos and web articles on NCC’s website, we also discuss the different problems that bats face, as well as how to help them. Diseases, harsh winters and long-distance travel present serious challenges to their survival, with some species even on the verge of extinction. The videos outline actions taken by the three conservation partners, while also mentioning action that can be taken at home.
As the bat flies
These short clips are just the beginning! You can further explore the wonderful and interesting world of these underappreciated creatures through quizzes, activities, and links to other websites. Are you ready? Open your bat wings and dive into their fascinating world through our videos!
We would like to thank Environment and Climate Change Canada for their involvement through the Community-nominated priority places for species at risk program of Canada’s Nature Fund. Thanks also to the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec for their collaboration and involvement in the Équipe de rétablissement des chauve-souris du Québec (the Quebec bat recovery team), and for their participation in our project.
Feature image: frame from Who says bats have diseases?
Read also: other articles about the Nature Conservancy
Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is Canada’s leading not-for-profit private land conservation organization, working to protect our most important natural areas and the species they sustain. Since 1962, NCC has helped to protect 14 million hectares (35 million acres), coast to coast to coast, including 48,000 hectares (188,600 acres) in Quebec. To learn more, visit natureconservancy.ca
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