Green Coalition announces
extraordinary teleconference
The environmental group demands a public inquiry into procedures at the Ministry of Environment
Montreal, May 29, 2020
The public is invited to an extraordinary teleconference to support the Green Coalition‘s demand for a public inquiry into procedures at the ministry of environment.
Please join the Green Coalition and Groupe Technoparc Oiseaux on Saturday, June 6, from 10 am to 3 pm for this teleconference that will bring together environmental groups from across Quebec to discuss how the Quebec government has failed in its mandate to protect the environment.
In a stunning development, Quebec’s Ministry of the Environment has admitted in the Superior Court of Quebec that it has never refused a developer’s request for a Certificate of Authorization. Never!
These wetlands are home to the largest variety and density of birds on the Island of Montréal.
This admission, among others, was made during the Green Coalition’s injunction proceedings to stop the destruction of the Technoparc wetlands – thousands of trees cut down, a road and a dike constructed, marshlands drained and a decline in the bird population. These wetlands are home to the largest variety and density of birds on the Island of Montréal.
At the very special teleconference, the Green Coalition’s lawyers at Colby Monet will present an overview of the Technoparc case, including the shocking admissions made by the Ministry of the Environment – and a review of the government procedures for issuing Certificates of Authorization requested by developers. Well-known leaders in Quebec’s environmental community will also make important and critical presentations – see the Agenda below.
The Green Coalition and Technoparc Oiseaux will invite all the environmental groups to support the Green Coalition’s demand for a public inquiry into procedures at the Quebec Ministry of Environment. The Ministry must repair its defective system of issuing Certificates of Authorization. It must preserve and defend the environment.
The Green Coalition and Technoparc Oiseaux will also invite all the environmental groups to support Green Coalition’s demand for the City of Montréal to abandon the Technoparc development, to reverse the damage done, and to demand that the Minister rescind the Certificates of Authorization issued to the developers at Technoparc.
- Opening remarks and Welcome – Mistress of Ceremony Alison Hackney
- Technoparc: A history of the marshes and their birds – Joël Coutu
- Présentation: Technoparc – Green Coalition injunction, Campbell Stuart
- Analysis of Certificates of Authorisation – Michaël Tremblay
- Questions and discussion
- The international context… Biodiversity (in English) – David Fletcher
- Analysis of the new regulations proposed by Quebec – Tommy Montpetit
- The Legacy Fund for the Environment and donations – Alison Hackney
- Action plans: Press release, Resolution and Vote – Campbell Stuart
- At 3 pm (approximately) – Closing words and Adjournment, Alison Hackney
The teleconference will be conducted in French.
Mr. Fletcher’s presentation will be summarized in French.
Green Coalition extraordinary teleconference
Saturday, June 6 at 10 am
To participate go to
Reminders of this invitation and other information will follow.
For more information contact Patrick Barnard at 514 463-0573 or
NOTE: This Extraordinary Conference is free! Please consider making a donation to the Legacy Fund for the Environment. The Legacy Fund is assuming the costs of Green Coalition’s landmark legal challenge to preserve and restore the Technoparc wetlands.
Feature image: Green Heron – courtesy of Westmount Parc United Church
Read other articles about the Technoparc Wetlands
The Green Coalition is a non-profit association of groups and individuals with a mandate to promote the conservation, protection and restoration of the environment and the wise use of green and blue spaces.
“In a stunning development, Quebec’s Ministry of the Environment has admitted in the Superior Court of Quebec that it has never refused a developer’s request for a Certificate of Authorization. Never!”
The Quebec Government needs to immediately, permanently stop the destruction of the Technoparc Wetlands and have an inquiry into how the destruction of this important wetland was allowed to happen and determine how Quebec can move forward with actions to make sure it never happens again. Ainslie Willock