Leucan’s Shaved Head Challenge

Enjoy a rewarding experience while helping children with cancer

Leucan’s Shaved Head Challenge is a major fundraising event that mobilizes the community in a spirit of solidarity to provide services to families of children with cancer. It is also a gesture of support to children who undergo a change in their body image due to hair loss following chemotherapy.

For the second consecutive year, Alexis Nihon shopping centre invites you to come and live an experience high in emotions, while helping to fund research by participating in this unifying event.

Leucan reminded us that we were not alone and that people were there to help us navigate through this new reality and to listen to us.

Caroline Simard and Nelson Picard, parents of Willem, 10 years old, brain tumour

A terrible diagnosis

In Quebec, nearly a family each day receives a cancer diagnosis for their child. By entering the Challenge and collecting donations, you help Leucan provide services to children with cancer and finance clinical research. You also help support their families and provide a range of distinctive and tailored services, such as financial and emotional support, individual accompaniment by social workers, therapeutic massages, as well as social and recreational programs, such as the annual summer camp that allows more than one hundred families to spend a week in nature with a medical team on site.

What saved us was the staff of Leucan entering our room.

Annie Dubeau and Charlie Provost, 7 years old, acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Direct assistance to families

While two thirds of the funds are spent on support measures, a substantial portion is paid directly to families living in remote areas who have to travel to larger urban centers for treatment. The rest goes to research on pediatric cancers, such as leukemia, brain and nervous system cancer, and lymphomas. Thanks to scientific advances over the past twenty years, the survival rate increased from 71% to about 82% and many young patients today manage to overcome the disease.

The financial assistance provided by Leucan was of great help to us because we never planned for accommodation, parking and gas fees.

Audrey Cadrin, mother of Miriam, 3 years old

Sponsorship of participants

As a sponsor, your role is to support and encourage participants in the Leucan Shaved Head Challenge and help them reach their fundraising goals by organizing donation and collection activities, as well as by expanding their network of contacts and by introducing them to your own network. In addition, sponsors offer encouragement before and after the event. You can sponsor friends, colleagues or family members. Why not sponsor your work colleagues or hockey team?

I didn’t know where to turn with this excess of emotions, but Leucan was there.

Annie Carrier, mother of Nolan, 5 years old, Wilms’ tumour

A successful effort

In 2015, hundreds of participants took part in the Shaved Head Challenge and their combined efforts paid off. By shaving their heads and collecting donations, they made a tough but rewarding gesture to help children with cancer and their families. Last year, Alexis Nihon’s Shaved Head Challenge contributed over $ 80,000 to Leucan. And this year Leucan is on track to meet its target of $4.5 million.

I had to be strong. I have a lot of energy to take care of Vincent, but not a lot for anything else. When it comes to Vincent, I’m a mom who goes full blast.

Nancy Cholette, mother of Vincent, 16 years old, Ewing’s sarcoma


A challenge nearby, at Alexis Nihon shopping centre

This year, Alexis Nihon shopping centre will host the Shaved Head Challenge on Thursday, September 22, from 12 pm to 3 pm at the metro level. as a participant or as a donor to this cause which helps some 300 Quebec families get various support and respite services each year. A minimum donation of $50 is required to participate.

Alexis Nihon is owned and managed by Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust, who hosted and helped make a number of Shaved Head Challenges possible throughout Quebec. The company continues to support the cause and encourages its employees to get involved with the event.

Images: Caroline Arbour


Shaved Head Challenge - September 22, 2016, 12pm – 3pm - Alexis Nihon, Metro level

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