Life Is A Harvest
Life cycles and how rhythms and patterns affect the energy of each year of our life
By Nevine Shazli
Sometimes you work your butt off to get results. You push, you fight, you try again and again; and whatever it is just doesn’t happen. This may be because you are trying to reap what is only now being planted.
Some years ago, I came across a book that has helped me gain insight and perspective regarding the events of my life and the timing of occurrences. In “The Life You Were Born to Live”, Dan Millman (author of “Way of the Peaceful Warrior”) reveals the Life-Purpose System whose roots are based in the Pythagorean school of ancient Greece. It uses a form of numerology as a method of clarifying life purpose. It also discusses life cycles and how rhythms and patterns affect the energy of each year of our life starting with the day we are born. The analogy of the planting process is used to provide guidance about our sense of timing in life: First there is the planting or sowing of the seeds, then a phase of growth and development. When mature, the crop can be harvested. The act of ploughing under completes the cycle, and another cycle begins. This is a 9-year cycle, starting with year 1 in which the sprout is sown but hasn’t yet broken through the ground. It’s the year of creativity and confidence. In year 2, the seed needs the help and interaction of others (sun, soil, water). It’s the year of cooperation and balance. And so it goes through the cycle until year 9 which is a time for ploughing under and turning the soil so that the next cycle can begin anew, with wisdom gained. The end of the cycle is a time of completion, of letting go, of silence and stillness, similar to winter.
The analogy of the planting process is used
to provide guidance about our sense of timing in life:
First there is the planting or sowing of the seeds,
then a phase of growth and development.
When mature, the crop can be harvested.
The act of ploughing under completes the cycle,
and another cycle begins.
Currently, according to this system, I am in the 4th year of my current 9-year cycle. Year 4 is about stability and process. “The shoot grows thicker and stronger, extending its roots deeper into the soil. This is a time to establish stability; a critical stage, a time not for show but for making sure our roots are strong. This is a time to review and reflect, a time to catch up on anything overlooked, a time to regroup our forces and make sure our preparations are complete. Summer is around the corner.” I can’t tell you how helpful it has been for me to read and re-read this description of year 4. Knowing where I am in the cycle of things keeps me patient and gives me peace. At a time when my mind is swarmed with ideas for online courses, books, coaching programs and marketing ventures, it is reassuring to know that time is necessary to bring these ideas into manifestation; that it can’t all happen right now. I’m not yet reaping the harvest of my vocational potential, and that is perfectly fine. Setting the foundation is what allows for the reaping of the fruit later on, when the time is right. Looking back on my life, whether in my business/career or in my personal life, I can see how accurate these 9-year cycles have been in terms of timing of events and inner transformation and personal growth. Every time I was in a 9 year, something was coming to an end, and in every 1 year a new beginning was coming about. I conceived my son in a 1 year, for example.
Looking back on my life, whether in my business/career or in my personal life,
I can see how accurate these 9-year cycles
have been in terms of timing of events
and inner transformation and personal growth.
Of course different systems and approaches speak to different people; this system spoke to me. I had never been exposed to numerology before. It was my sister who bought this book and brought it out at a dinner party. It’s fantastic for dinner conversation, by the way! Great fun can be had looking up everyone’s number (based on their birthdays) and reading about their life purpose. Out loud “AHA” moments are guaranteed. Sorry, what? An activity that doesn’t involve phones or tablets? I digress…
Once in a while, you stumble across a book, a message, a word, a song or a person that impacts your life and the way you see things. If my eyes hadn’t been opened to the concept of life cycles, I would be living a frustrating time right now and would probably be tempted to give up on ideas and dreams that seem out of reach. But I know that this is a critical stage which needs to be approached with calm and faith and that all the elements will fall into place to yield a fruitful harvest. In moments of discouragement or overwhelm, all I have to think to myself is “summer is around the corner”, and repeat, perhaps a hundred times.
Once in a while, you stumble across a book,
a message, a word, a song or a person that impacts
your life and the way you see things.
Is there a sense of halted movement in your life? Is there something you wish would happen faster or in a different way? Whether in the area of health, relationships, business or personal development, there are cycles. There are natural ebbs and flows. There are winters when things turn in and it is time to be still. This is normal, and should not be resisted. You may not like winter, but really, doesn’t it make Summer that much sweeter? Of course there are many factors that affect how things are going in our lives; but if you’re well, have a good mindset and are really doing everything you possibly can to progress, it might be time to just slow down and do what you can while patiently letting life take care of the details. Some speak of Divine timing, others of synchronicities and destiny. Whatever you want to call it, there is a dance going on that is bigger than you and that is not yours to control. Trust, and enjoy the view on the way to the harvest.
Image: Dave Grubb via
Nevine Shazli
Nevine Shazli is a graduate of the Robbins-Madanes Training (RMT) program. She uses Strategic Intervention Life Coaching with individuals who need help with relationships, personal growth and development, and general life challenges. She is also a certified ThetaHealer® and uses the ThetaHealing® technique as an integral part of her life coaching services. Nevine graduated from the McGill University School of Physical and Occupational Therapy in 1997 and has since been working as a health care professional in the field of Occupational Therapy. In 2007 she completed a yoga teacher training; she teaches yoga and meditation to small groups. She is also a Reiki Master practitioner.
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