
Love and Spices:
Preserved Lemons

A seasoning that introduces some sunshine into these dark days of winter!

Recipe by Monique Singer

Previously published

Love and Spices cookbook -

Westmount Magazine is proud to offer its readers sample recipes from Love and Spices, a beautifully illustrated cookbook by Monique Singer. With this series, you will discover some unique recipes dedicated to cooking with spices, from hors d’œuvres to desserts.

Monique Singer knows how to make people talk, sing and dance spices! From her earliest childhood, alongside her grandmother and sisters, she learned how to create a delicious and original cuisine with her senses, her hands and all her love.

From her family’s table to the jet-set parties she has catered in New York, Los Angeles, Venezuela, Spain, Haiti, and Asia, regardless of the set-up, function, atmosphere or style, Monique’s food has left its imprint on people’s taste buds.

Preserved Lemons

You can find jars of preserved lemons at the supermarket, but they are so much better when you make them at home.
Cure for at least two weeks before using.

Preparation time: 30 min

  • 10 medium lemons
  • 1 box 500 g Kosher salt
  • 2 cups / 250 ml about 12 lemons, juiced
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 tbsp peppercorns
  • 4 cup / 1 L jar with clip top

The best way to sterilize your jar is to wash it in your dishwasher.
If you don’t have one, place the jar in a large pot of boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes, then air dry before using.
Scrub each lemon, rinse under cold water and pat dry.
Cut each lemon crosswise on both sides, keeping them attached.
Spread the lemon apart with your fingers and sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of salt into each cut.
Place the lemons, packing them tightly together, into the jar.
Pour enough lemon juice to cover the lemons.
Put 1 cinnamon stick into the jar, 1 tablespoon of peppercorn and cover with bay leaves.
Place a large piece of plastic wrap over the top of the jar to seal the jar tightly.
Make sure the lemons stay well covered with salt and lemon juice, as this will prevent bacteria from forming.
Use a wooden spoon to avoid cross-contamination or impurities from your hands.
Shake the jar from time to time.
Store the jar in the pantry for 2 to 3 weeks, turning it occasionally to mix the salt and juice.
Store in the refrigerator.
Can be refrigerated for up to 8 months.

Images: Anne Fillion

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Monique Singer - WestmountMag.caMonique Singer is a cultural creator now based in Montreal, usually found travelling the world, experiencing other cultures and sharing what she finds most interesting. At the top of her food passion is her attraction for spices, their benefits and the distinctive flavour they bring to all dishes. LinkedIn

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