
Love and Spices:
Slow-cooked Lamb Shoulder

A great dish for lamb lovers just in time for the holidays

Recipe by Monique Singer

Love and Spices cookbook -

Westmount Magazine is proud to offer its readers sample recipes from Love and Spices, a beautifully illustrated cookbook by Monique Singer. With this new series, you will discover some unique recipes dedicated to cooking with spices, from hors d’œuvres to desserts.

Monique Singer knows how to make people talk, sing and dance spices! From her earliest childhood, alongside her grandmother and sisters, she learned how to create a delicious and original cuisine with her senses, her hands and all her love.

From her family’s table to the jet-set parties she has catered in New York, Los Angeles, Venezuela, Spain, Haiti, and Asia, regardless of the set-up, function, atmosphere or style, Monique’s food has left its imprint on people’s taste buds. Enjoy!

Slow-cooked Lamb Shoulder with Herbs

Moroccans know their way around lamb and cook it well done.
Do not confuse well done with dry and hard to chew meat – you are not going to experience this here.
The fat from the shoulder melts away and the braising liquid helps transform the lamb into a succulent, juicy and very flavourful meat.

Preparation time: 30 min | Cooking time: 3 hrs | Preheat oven to 500°F/260°C | Yields: 6 to 8 servings

  • 4 lbs / 1.8 kg lamb shoulder
  • 3 cups / 700 ml dry white wine
  • 2 cups / 240 ml orange juice
  • 2 onions, thinly sliced
  • 5 garlic cloves, peeled
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tbsp apricot jam
  • 3 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Kosher salt
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 5 sprigs thyme
  • 5 sprigs rosemary

Spread mustard over the lamb, then drizzle with oil.
Season with paprika, a dash of cayenne, salt and pepper to taste.
Spread all of the herbs, garlic and onion on the bottom of a large oven pan.
Place the lamb on top.
Pour the wine and 1 cup of orange juice around the oven pan.
Broil for 1/2 hour at 550°F until browned.
Lower heat to 375°F/190°C, baste, rub the top with apricot jam and baste again.
Pour more orange juice if needed, and stir.
Cover with parchment paper and foil and roast for 2 1/2 hours.
Baste occasionally.
Uncover, flip over and broil for another 10 minutes, then baste.
Transfer to a serving plate.
Cover and let cool for 10 minutes before carving.
Meanwhile, on medium heat, reduce the gravy and stir constantly over stovetop, until it thickens.
To serve, pull large pieces of meat away from the bone using a fork then cut.
Arrange on a long serving plate.
Serve with gravy.

Images: Anne Fillion

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Read also: other recipes

Monique Singer - WestmountMag.caMonique Singer is a cultural creator now based in Montreal, usually found travelling the world, experiencing other cultures and sharing what she finds most interesting. At the top of her food passion is her attraction for spices, their benefits and the distinctive flavour they bring to all dishes. LinkedIn

Real Food Adventures

There are 4 comments

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  1. Anthony Moffat

    I love spices, so this looks fun. And even in my “previous life”, i.e. decades ago when I was younger, I would have also loved the exotic recipes with meat. But this is 2020, when we now realize that eating meat is not a good idea for one’s health, for animal welfare or for the health of the planet. And now with a pandemic we should be especially concerned, since the source of the problem has been traced back to a wet market where both domesticated and wild animals are sold, with the latter especially prone to virus infections that can transmute to humans. But also among the former there have been various outbreaks that started closer to home, like mad-cow disease. And let’s not forget the diseases brought to the Americas by European colonizers, that all but wiped out the indigenous population there. Please, let’s all think more about these problems and convert to all plant-based diets. I’m 77 now and I saw the light almost a decade ago.

  2. Jean Le Marquand

    Find it sad that “love and spices” contained the butchering and eating of young lambs who wanted nothing more than to live and be with their mothers. The word “love” is not synonymous with murder of innocent creatures. Love and spices do go well however with vegan cuisine.

  3. Patricia Dumais

    Indeed, in reply to both Jean and Anthony’s excellent points, the vast majority of the sixty or so Love and Spices cookbook recipes are either vegan or can be adapted for vegans and vegetarians. (The author actually mentions that most of her family is vegan.) It’s a great transition cookbook as it allows meat-eaters to discover how vegan/vegetarian recipes can be exciting and delicious and may encourage many of them to adopt a more plant-based diet.

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