
Montreal’s 1st Annual
Divorce Conference

Ending the nasty divorce epidemic, one family at a time

By Ravit Rose


Montreal’s 1st Annual Divorce Conference is dedicated to everyone who is somehow affected by divorce- guiding people to Divorce the Right Way.

Are you separated, divorced or thinking about it?
Are you overwhelmed, stressed, confused, fed up or need direction?
Have you wasted too much time and $ and seen no results?
Wish you could stay out or get out of court?

Divorce is a scary life event and there are reasons why people cringe at the word that go far beyond families being torn apart.

Rarely does anyone know the ugly truth about how and why a divorce can easily go down a dysfunctional path, where suddenly they are faced with a series of new and unexpected life altering situations that they never imagined: How their children will be affected and suffer from their nasty divorce, no matter how hard they try to shelter them; How parents often envision their divorce as a solution for the best interest of their children, only to find out that it’s not about the children but about ego, power and money; How insignificant marital problems are compared to the divorce sagas that will involve endless battles and wars with no end in sight. How people end up losing more from their divorce merely out of decisions based on emotions that spiral them down the rabbit hole; How the spending on legal expenses becomes an exaggerated addiction and leads them towards a path of complete destruction; How divorce turns into a risky game of winning or losing, and no longer be focused on the reality; How friends and family trying to help could be gearing the parties in the wrong direction.

Rarely does anyone know the ugly truth about how and why a divorce can easily go down a dysfunctional path…

Unwanted Nasty DivorcesRavit Rose is the author of Unwanted Nasty Divorces, where she exposes the common divorce patterns that lead to a high conflict situation. She claims that nasty divorces all end up in the same place, with an overload of animosity, wasted funds, repeated revenge games, battles that turn into wars and a point of no return.

A Divorce Broker and Certified Divorce Coach, Ravit specializes in helping parents get out or stay out of court. In addition, in cases where litigation is necessary – or when the case is beyond repair – she assists her clients through the various states of the divorce process to help them become more reasonable and more credible clients to their attorneys so that they can ultimately keep their legal fees at the bare minimum.

Ms. Rose is not a lawyer nor a therapist. She is a mom who lived through an eight year battle to come out understanding that it was all a game that made the attorneys rich at her and her children’s expenses. Her purpose is to now put an end to the nasty divorce epidemic, one family at a time. As a mother with a much clearer understanding of the realities of the family law justice system, Ravit realized, from speaking to hundreds of divorced parents, that the common patterns plaguing many families create a dire necessity for change. She is passionate about pointing out the patterns of destruction she has discovered and her aim is to enlighten people with the proper educational information that will give them back control over their lives.

‘How insignificant marital problems are compared to the divorce sagas that will involve endless battles and wars with no end in sight.’

Ravit has come to strongly believe that each individual should focus on gathering information in the most neutral manner possible in order to steer clear from a nasty divorce. She has seen facts often ignored during the divorce process yet critical to its success, whether due to the individuals being in a state of shock or overwhelmed and acting impulsively without much deep analysis, or by the mere fact of not having a neutral thinking partner that will guide them, step by step, throughout the divorce process. Although many may never have wanted the words “winning” or “losing” as part of their vocabulary, they’ll have to get used to them as they step into a courtroom. It imperative to realize that no one is the ultimate “winner” in this game of chance.

Parents who are contemplating divorce or are separated can take advantage of Ravit’s CO2 Program™ which is specifically designed to keep them out of court, keep the money to themselves and save them from the unnecessary stress and drama. This educational program prepares parents for everything they need to know before they draft a divorce agreement. It is based on transparency, knowledge and an understanding that the family’s best interest is more important than their ego.

‘A Divorce Broker and Certified Divorce Coach, Ravit specializes in helping parents get out or stay out of court.’

The CO2 Program™ is based on 4 essential elements that, when combined, have a powerful effect towards a positive outcome. They are : emotions, co-parenting, mediation and financial study/overview. Sessions can be held by phone, Skype or at her office in Pointe-Claire.

Ravit’s clients are also referred to professionals from various industries whom will help them with critical information and guidance that is required prior to agreeing to any conditions that will end up being added into the divorce agreement. Essentially this eliminates the regret or the feeling of being cheated and signing a bad deal to their own detriment that could one day end up being challenged in court.

Her clients admire the fact that she provides a human touch to her services. Here are some of their comments:

“Ravit, is very easy to talk to and makes you feel really comfortable.”

“I called Ravit feeling lost and confused and after a 20-minute conversation I had direction, reassurance, confidence and a solid plan. Not to mention I could breath again and felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. HIGHLY recommend her services.”

Montreal’s 1st Annual Divorce Conference
May 31 2018 at the Crowne Plaza Montreal Airport, from 7 pm to 10 pm

Essentially a larger scaled version of the services Ravit Rose offers to her clients daily, this conference provides an opportinuty for more families to take advantage of this information pior to the peak divorce season coming up this summer.

This event will bring together individuals who are at different stages of their divorce procedure – whether, separated, divorced or thinking about it – with professionals from various industries to reveal powerful and realistic information, tips, tricks and solutions that they likely never thought of or were not told about. It is truly a game changing event, where Ravit is focused on challenging the status quo by downtrending nasty divorces.

For more detailed information, montreal-s-1st-annual-divorce-conference

Limited seats available. Mandatory advanced registration.
Tickets can be purchased here.

Ravit Rose, Divorce Broker and Certified Divorce Coach

Ravit Rose is a Mompreneur, divorce broker, certified divorce coach, author and speaker. Her purpose is to put an end to the nasty divorce epidemic, one family at a time. She is passionate about pointing out the patterns of destruction she has discovered and her aim is to enlighten people with the proper educational information that will give them back control over their lives. Please take a few moments to get to know Ravit better by visiting her website at www.RavitRose.com and her YouTube channel.

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