
Pause For Poetry: Doris Potter

Christmas Eve Owl

A poem by Doris Potter

December 22, 2021

I hear the owl’s tremolo –

it travels through the falling snow.

No greater gift could I receive

than to be here on Christmas Eve

beneath a tree whose branches hold

a tiny owl with call so bold,

it carries far into the night

and only fades at dawn’s first light.


Feature image: Doris Potter

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Doris Potter

“I find that photography and poetry are a good fit. As a nature photographer, I try to capture the soul of the subject – as a poet, I try to express the subject’s deep impact on my own soul. And finally, as an animal rights advocate, I am a vegan and devote time to helping animals where I can. The key is to treat all lifeforms with respect.” Doris Potter

There are 7 comments

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  1. Georges Dupras

    Beautiful words from a beautiful soul.

    Beyond the lens, Doris can put into words her profound love for the natural world. I can only imagine the pain she must feel knowing of mankind’s contempt for what she so obviously cherishes.

  2. Diane Marcotte

    With just a limited use of words your poem evokes and brings alive your experience on hearing this owl’s musical notes. A gift from the owl to you and a gift from you to us. Thank you!

  3. Joanna Dupras

    As always, your photography and your poetry serve as a source of inspiration and a testimony to the inner peace which Nature provides to the soul.
    Joanna Dupras

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