Spot a turtle on the road?
Here’s how you can help it
Join the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s effort to protect turtles
Updated May 30, 2024
Birds are singing, bees are buzzing, and turtles are laying eggs. This is the time of year when turtles embark on their long journey, sometimes covering several kilometres, to find an ideal nesting site. Being slow doesn’t prevent them from covering long distances, however, the main problem is roads, as they obviously have no idea what a traffic light is and are unaware of the danger. Here’s how the public can take steps to ensure the turtles’ safety.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is encouraging drivers to be vigilant this spring, as turtles sometimes lay their eggs on road surfaces or attempt to cross roadways to find suitable habitats, especially near wetlands. And while their shells offer effective protection against predators, they’re no match for a vehicle. There are seven species of freshwater turtles in Quebec, five of which are designated as threatened or vulnerable.
Over the past few years, NCC has helped introduce measures, such as road signs and wildlife crossings, to protect turtles at strategic locations throughout the province, which are identified through Anyone who sees a turtle on their property or in the street is encouraged to report its presence on the website. These observations help conservation organizations such as NCC introduce protective measures for turtles across Quebec.
The number of annual turtle observations has increased steadily since launched in 2017. In 2023, nearly 1,800 turtle sightings were reported to the site, bringing the total number of reports to close to 11,800.
The Eastern Townships and Montérégie regions of the province have the most sightings, followed by the Laurentians and Outaouais. Since some turtle species can be found across regions, the help of the public is of utmost importance in protecting them everywhere.
What to do if you see a turtle on the road
Make sure you respect the Highway Safety Code and check to see whether it is safe to stop; your safety and that of other road users are the most important thing.
- Help the turtle cross the road in the direction it was going. Be careful, as some species like snapping turtles can cause serious bites.
. - After helping the turtle, back away so as not to cause it too much stress and take a picture of it for recording on
If you see an injured turtle contact the Éco-Nature rehabilitation centre immediately at or 450 622-1020 ext. 286.
How to move a turtle
For a turtle that can hide its head in its shell (e.g. a Blanding’s turtle or a painted turtle), simply lift it gently with both hands (like holding a hamburger), supporting its plastron (the belly) and its back, and carry it across the road. Carry it close to the ground to avoid hurting it if you accidentally drop it.
The technique is different for snapping turtles, which are large, grey and have heavy, spiny tails and the general looks of a dinosaur. Their massive, strong shell has “handles” at the back (on each side of its tail). Use those handles to lift the turtle’s back end, and walk it across the road while allowing it to lean on its front legs, wheelbarrow-style. Alternatively, you can slide it onto something you might have in your vehicle, such as a car mat or snow shovel, which will make it easier to move.
Never pick up a turtle by the tail, as this can cause damage to its internal organs.
Each turtle that dies in a traffic collision has a significant cascading effect on its entire species, as an individual can take up to 25 years to reproduce.
– Francisco Retamal Diaz, Project Coordinator, Nature Conservancy of Canada
Key facts
- Studies have shown that a mere five percent increase in annual mortality is enough to cause an entire turtle population to decline. Maintaining a given population size depends on the survival of the adults, especially females.
. - The turtles most frequently reported on – snapping turtles (46 percent of observations) and painted turtles (27 percent) – are also the ones most often found injured or dead.
NCC would like to thank the ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs, Resolute Forest Products and Environment and Climate Change Canada through the Canada Nature Fund for allowing us to implement concrete measures for the protection of turtles.
Feature image: Easter painted turtle, by Greg Schechter, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is the country’s unifying force for nature. NCC seeks solutions to the twin crises of rapid biodiversity loss and climate change through large-scale, permanent land conservation. As a trusted partner, NCC works with people, communities, businesses and government to protect and care for our country’s most important natural areas. Since 1962, NCC has brought Canadians together to help conserve and restore more than 15 million hectares. In Quebec, NCC partners regularly with Conservation de la nature Québec, a non-profit organization that is distinct from NCC, to conserve Quebec’s richest natural areas. Together, the two organizations have conserved more than 55,000 hectares of natural areas in the province.
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Many Canadians share their lives with companion animals such as dogs, cats, budgies etc.
Though we discourage the keeping of non-domestic animals as pets, we recommend that each animal household prepare a simple emergency kit in order to deal with animal translocation* and possible minor injuries. The “Emergency kit ” should include bottled water for two days, essential species requirements, harness, first aid kit, flashlight and batteries. We recommend that you establish a direct central land line to a coordinator. Dealing with injured wildlife can be dangerous. Be aware of the risks you are taking. You can best achieve that by looking up the species on the web.
* In the event of earthquakes, mudslides, floods, forest fires etc.
**Injured animals moved from forest fires, flooding, road or rail accidents etc.