The flamboyant world of drag
with Barbada

Presenting a new episode of the web series for seniors We’re All In This Together

July 15, 2021

Don’t miss the next episode of We’re All In This Together this Friday, July 16, as the series goes behind-the-scenes of The Flamboyant World of Drag with Barbada, at Montreal’s legendary Cabaret Mado!

Sébastien Potvin (a.k.a. Barbada) is a music teacher by day and famed drag queen by night, who shares his deep knowledge of drag that includes make-up tips, how to develop a drag character, a sizzling live performance and his passion to promote inclusivity and accepting differences with children and the community!

Sébastien Potvin (a.k.a. Barbada)… shares his deep knowledge of drag that includes make-up tips, how to develop a drag character, a sizzling live performance and his passion to promote inclusivity…

Barbada drag queen

Sébastien Potvin (a.k.a. Barbada) – Image: Bobbi Jo Hart

Each bi-weekly episode of the 18-episode web series, directed by Montreal-based award-winning filmmaker Bobbi Jo Hart, features entertainment, activities and conversations designed to connect with those in need of support and empathy with a gentle reminder that we are, indeed, all in this together.

Episodes released so far can easily be found on the We’re All In This Together YouTube channel and Facebook page and are available for anyone to enjoy.

This is also a great opportunity to take a moment to assure that the seniors around you can access the Internet so that they can take advantage of all the online resources available to them.

Feature image: Bobbi Jo HartBouton S'inscrire à l'infolettre –

Read also: other articles about We’re All in This Together

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Seniors Action Quebec works to maintain and enhance the vitality of English-speaking Quebec seniors. All efforts will identify and address challenges and issues to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for English-speaking seniors.

logo ELAN English Language Arts Network

The English Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a meeting place for English-language artists and cultural workers of all disciplines from every region of Quebec, where they can share expertise and resources, build audiences and alliances, seek support, advocate for their interests, and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

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