
What If Today Was Just Today?

The plan to get “there” is one moment and one day at a time

By Tammy Rowland

How difficult is it to leave yesterday behind and not bring tomorrow into your thoughts or actions today? This may seem difficult or even impossible at first, but with a little practice this becomes possible and beneficial.

Common stress comes from the mental habit of guilt, worry and fear of yesterday and tomorrow, not the present moment.

One starts by creating a picture or vision of what you want your life to be, look and feel like. You then allow the universal law of attraction to do its magic. When I can do this, it keeps me present to the current moment. We don’t have to be perfect at it, even if (or shall I say when) we go off the tracks, but you can get back on quick enough.

I have a vision of what I want my life to be like when I am “there”. Staying in today means not only believing that I will get “there”, but also that I am living it already, right now. That means that I state everything for my future in the present tense and stay there, without thinking “it’s not happening fast enough” or “it’s never going to happen!”

Common stress comes from the mental habit of guilt, worry and fear of yesterday and tomorrow, not the present moment.

“How can I do this?” you may be asking yourself. Once again, just start being present to the moment. When you believe and state anything in the present as if it is already done, the Universe will conspire to set things in motion for it to be true. So in the morning you start by stating what you want in the present.

Something like, “I appreciate that I live an abundant life in every way.” Only you know what an abundant life means to you. Or “I enjoy a fun and loving family life!” or “My work feeds my soul and in return feeds my family very well.”

Take several deep, long breaths and in your mind’s eye see it in action. Does it mean you live in a different home? Drive a different car? Have a specific amount in your bank account? Paint a clear and vivid picture and add emotions and smells if possible to build a clear vision of your life.

The only thing left to do is set your intentions for the day – what you can do today to pull you into that vision, then let go and get moving. Know that being your best self and doing the next right thing will create the life you want and miracles happen. Enjoy each moment of your day and each connection within it because you are living your envisioned life! Today. Right now!

There may be times when you wander off in your head, going into the worry or “what if’s”. Gently bring yourself back to this moment and breath in. Listen to the sounds around you and feel your body in that moment. Notice your shoulders relax and your muscles loosen. Everything is right once again, in this moment.

Enjoy each moment of your day and each connection within it because you are living your envisioned life!

If what you are doing isn’t getting you closer to where you envision yourself to be, do something else. No matter where you are at this moment, you can move forward from it. You are living what you have given your attention to up until this moment; so if you don’t like what is, change it. The plan to get there is one moment and one day at a time.

Today really is just today – and so is every day! Why not be present to your moments in Peace, Love and Joy.

Image: Hartwig HKD via


Tammy Rowland

Tammy Rowland
Executive Coach, Motivational Speaker

Tammy Rowland is a writer/motivational speaker/business and executive coach. She lives in Montreal with her husband Steve and old dog Max, and is the mother of adult children Kelly and Kyle. Visit her website and listen to her free teleseminars, sign up for her blog, or send a note or question.

There are 4 comments

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  1. Catherine

    Great advice to meditate on, live in the NOW as if we are exactly who we should be, living the life we want and love as if it was already here… 🙂

  2. Sue-Anne

    Great article Tammy, I love this, “I appreciate that I live an abundant life in every way.” I was just thinking of that this morning, while in the sauna a the gym what a privileged life I live and how much abundance I already have.

    Usually I am in my head and thinking that “it’s not happening fast enough!!” so I will practice coming back to appreciating this present moment and knowing that I am actually doing exactly what I love and I am so blessed!

    • Tammy

      Thanks Sue-Anne! I get reminders regularly to come back to today, so I appreciate that I am never alone with the wandering thoughts. ?
      Enjoy your today!

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