Federal elections 2021:
Your Vote Compass
A tool that shows you how your views align with those of the candidates
By Patricia Dumais
Updated September 5, 2021
It is a citizen’s duty to vote in government elections. It is also their duty to be aware of the platforms of the parties from which they will choose a candidate. Unfortunately, our hectic lifestyles afford us little time to do the research and more often we vote not having done our homework.
Back in 2011 during the Canadian Federal Election, I discovered an interactive online application called Vote Compass.
Developed and operated by statistical scientists from Vox Pop Labs, Vote Compass is commissioned by some of the most respected media organizations in the world, including the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
This year the CBC is again running Vote Compass for the upcoming Federal Elections, to help voters determine how they fit in the political landscape. Vote Compass was made available during many elections across the globe, including the United States Presidential Election and the French Presidential Election, and used by millions of people.
It’s easy and it’s quick to do, but keep in mind that Vote Compass is not a poll, nor is it meant to tell you how to vote. Political scientists developed this tool with the goal of sparking debate and engaging voters.
Here is a CBC report on Vote Compass:
How to use Vote Compass
You launch Vote Compass by indicating your postal code, which determines your district, electorate or riding. With no login and no registration, you keep control of your info.
You then take the quiz, which is typically 30 questions and takes about 10 minutes to complete. It also includes an open-ended question: “What issue is most important to you in this election?” Once you finish, Vote Compass analyses your responses and compares them with the policies of the candidates.
Vote Compass helps voters determine how they fit in the political landscape. This year the CBC is again running Vote Compass for the Federal Election.
Within seconds, your Vote Compass results show you how your views compare to the policy proposals of the candidates and help you understand how you fit into the political landscape. You can see where you agree and disagree with each of the candidates.
Vote Compass even allows you to dive deep into the platforms of each party or candidate with comparisons by topic, candidate statements, and options to weight the issues most important to you.

Example of a Vote Compass snapshot from the 2015 Canadian Federal Election
The methodology behind Vote Compass in a nutshell
Using a Likert scale, users indicate their responses to a series of policy propositions designed to discriminate between candidates’ policies on prominent issues relevant to the election. Propositions are crafted in collaboration with political scientists local to each jurisdiction in which Vote Compass is run.
Based on a candidate or political party’s public disclosures (i.e. party manifestos, policy proposals, official websites, speeches, media releases, statements made in the legislature, etc.) they are calibrated on the same propositions and scales as are users. A series of aggregation algorithms calculate the overall distance between the user and the candidates or parties. ¹
For more information on Vote Compass and to participate visit votecompass.cbc.ca/canada
¹ Vote Compass Methodology – Vox Pop Labs
Feature image: Walt Stoneburner via StockPholio.net
Patricia Dumais is co-editor and artistic director of WestmountMag.ca, and occasionally contributes articles. She began her career as a Graphic Designer / Artistic Director on several Canadian feature films and documentaries. Patricia then worked in the field of corporate communication and, in 1988, she co-founded Visionnaires branding design. pdumais@westmountmag.ca
I have just completed the Vote Compass questionnaire. It is a very interesting tool but I am surprised by the final answer! Thank you so much for an interesting exercise.
Monika Malecka e-mail: monika.malecka51@gmail.com
Interesting indeed, and I quite agree, people are so busy they have little to no time available to inform themselves adequately on the issues, those running for political office (their backgrounds) and partie history on issues.
Georges R. Dupras