Elon Gold and Modi
are Two For One
Just for Laughs presents a new show with two top Jewish comedians
By Byron Toben
Elon Gold and Modi are two of the top comedians working the Jewish circuit (as well as appearing in unrelated presentations). Mr Gold is particularly well known in Montreal, having appeared in at least ten earlier Just For Laughs festivals and more recently, late May, at a Gloria’s Girls cancer fundraiser at the Windsor ballroom.
Mr Modi, a similarly talented performer and Gold friend, joins him in this clever “twofer” (show biz slang for “two for one price”). Modi, by the way is no relation to the present prime minister of India (being born Mordechai Rosenfeld).

Elon Gold – Image: elongold.com
The show is prefaced by a giant screen video showing them discussing planning/arguing over details of the show over a nosh in a restaurant.
To me, this preamble evoked echoes of the popular Yidlife Crisis web series, but without the Yiddish dialogue.
It then reverted to live humans, with Modi opening with his solo before yielding to Gold for his solo. They then joined for a duo, ending the evening with a Q and A with the friendly (and enthusiastic) audience.
It started with a polling of how many in the near sold out audience in the 440-seat Centaur theatre were Jewish raised only three non-Jewish hands. This trio seemed to enjoy the show as much, sometime more than the “members of the tribe”.
So many Jewish performers have made their mark on comedy that Modi quipped that without such input, the reduced Just For Laughs title would have to be changed to “Just for Goyim”.
Special attention was paid to the half-dozen Hasidim in the audience, all in good fun. Mr Modi even costumed himself as such to explain the tzitzit (fringes) worn by many.
Hard for a reviewer to make notes on a fast moving show in a darkened venue, which said what, but between them they worked the differences between Ashkenazi Jews (Northern and East European) and Sephardic (Southern European and Middle Eastern). Lots of rapid fire imitation of different accents somewhat reminiscent of old Sid Caesar shows. A number of individuals outdid one another about bragging, often on minor matters.

Modi – Image: courtesy of Modi Rosenfeld
Special attention was paid to the half-dozen Hasidim in the audience, all in good fun. Mr Modi even costumed himself as such to explain the tzitzit (fringes) worn by many.
Mr Gold observed how worries complained by modern day folk were nothing compared to history as related in the Bible. Your wife is unresponsive? Ha, Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt. You suffer from sibling rivalry? Ha, Joseph’s brother sold him into slavery in Egypt. Complaining about the rainy weather? Noah spent 40 days on the ark knee deep in animal shit.
Hopefully one or the other of this duo, or both, will soon revisit Montreal again, whether for JFL or otherwise.
Elon Gold and Modi Two For One played at the Centaur Theatre from July 22 to 25.
Feature image: courtesy of Just For Laughs
Read more articles from Byron Toben
Byron Toben, a past president of The Montreal Press Club, has been WestmountMag.ca’s theatre reviewer since July 2015. Previously, he wrote for since terminated web sites Rover Arts and Charlebois Post, print weekly The Downtowner and print monthly The Senior Times. He also is an expert consultant on U.S. work permits for Canadians.
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