
Join the Greater Montreal
City Nature Challenge

Citizens encouraged to participate in this record-setting global biodiversity event

April 20, 2022

Technoparc Oiseaux and the Campus Biodiversity Network, in conjunction with the Canadian Wildlife Federation, are pleased to announce their hosting of the Greater Montreal City Nature Challenge 2022.

This citizen-science event will be held over four days from April 29 to May 2 and is supported by the City of Montreal. Residents from the 82 municipalities and boroughs within Greater Montreal are invited to make observations of the natural world that surrounds them, even if they have no particular experience or expertise.

Red Fox

Red fox – Image: courtesy of Pincourt Vert

The challenge, open to all, uses the free, non-commercial application iNaturalist to record and identify wild species in our urban environments, and enlists everyday people to contribute to a greater understanding of the biodiversity within Greater Montreal.

Anyone interested in participating just has to download the iNaturalist application and take pictures (or record sounds) of wildlife or wild plants using the application between April 29 and May 2. All observations made within those four days in Greater Montreal will count towards Montreal’s ranking within Canada and internationally for biodiversity observations.

This year, the City Nature Challenge has already broken records for Canada’s participation in this global event, with an unprecedented number of Canadian cities participating, 40 to be exact. Greater Montreal, regrouping the administrative boundaries of the CMM (Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal), is the only entity in Quebec to participate in the global challenge.

The challenge, open to all… enlists everyday people to contribute to a greater understanding of the biodiversity within Greater Montreal.

Which municipality will make the most observations locally, nationally, and internationally? We encourage the citizens of Greater Montreal to come out in large numbers to participate in this challenge. Not only is it simple, fun, and educational, it’s also a great way to contribute to the scientific knowledge and conservation of urban green spaces!

More information on the City Nature Challenge

St. Pierre River –

Wildflowers by brook – Image: Deanne Delaney

For the Greater Montreal area, please contact Katherine Collin or François Riou at

For Canada, contact David DeRocco at the Canadian Wildlife Federation and at

The public is invited to attend information sessions held every Wednesday evening via Zoom (free, registration required) until April 27 at

Web resources

CMM Project:

Canada Project:

International project:

Feature image: Red-tailed hawk by Redha Yacoubi
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The Technoparc Oiseaux movement consists of a group of dedicated citizens demanding the protection and restoration of the Technoparc Mtl wetlands and adjacent areas in the St-Laurent borough of Montreal.

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