
Politics before science,
self-interest before people

Federal Fisheries Minister announces a return to the Cod fishery contrary to her own staff’s advice

By Georges R. Dupras

September 16, 2024

Is anyone truly surprised that the Federal Minister of Fisheries has announced the reopening of the commercial Cod fishery off Newfoundland and Labrador?

Contrary to her own staff’s advice, who had recommended maintaining a moratorium on Northern Cod, Federal Fisheries Minister Diane LeBoutillier has announced a return to the Cod fishery. The Minister’s department had argued maintaining the moratorium, which she ignored, despite scientific data tabled by her advisors. Political interests within the department believed that reopening the Cod fisheries, with an increased quota (18,000 tons), would be politically beneficial. It is highly doubtful that a decision of this importance would be made without the PM’s consent. Could there be an election on the horizon?

Well, I’m sure the DFO isn’t overly concerned, if the reopened Cod fishery proves to be a disaster, the Minister can always blame the Seals.

Politics first, personal interests second and science third

Our record on environmental protection is dismal. I can understand that many other jurisdictions do not share in the advantages that we take for granted but this should only increase our determination to meet the highest standards.

It is highly doubtful that a decision of this importance would be made without the PM’s consent. Could there be an election on the horizon? Well, I’m sure the DFO isn’t overly concerned, if the reopened Cod fishery proves to be a disaster, the Minister can always blame the Seals.

We fail to protect the necessary land mass and the identification of dedicated wildlife corridors that would guarantee the health and genetic viability of our endemic species. We are only beginning to understand that marine species require the same considerations accorded wildlife species.

Shipping interests should not share the same channels used by marine life listed as being at risk (Northern Right Whale, the Western North Pacific Gray Whale). The disposal of chemicals and other dangerous substances should be regulated by the Department of the Minister of Natural Resources. Pesticides that do not meet the highest safety standards should be prohibited.

Language designed to mislead and condition

In reading documents put out by various animal industries, I notice the increased use of words such as resources and harvest when the authors mean “things” and “mass killing”.

Since animals are sentient beings (not toasters), they cannot be harvested. Harvest refers to vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, etc. As for resources, it was a term traditionally used in reference to things, and many of those we are wasting today.

The only reason this misuse of words is being used so freely is to condition the public into accepting practices they might not otherwise tolerate.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of its author and do not reflect the opinions of, its publishers or editors.

Feature image: Hans-Petter Fjeld, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

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Georges Dupras

Georges R. Dupras has advocated for animals for over fifty years. A member of the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) and a past Board member of the Canadian SPCA, he worked on the original Save the Seal campaign in 1966 that culminated in the foundation of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) in 1969. Georges Dupras has published two books, Values in Conflict and the eBook Ethics, a Human Condition, and currently lives in Montreal, Canada.

There is 1 comment

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  1. Doris Potter

    Georges Dupras is spot on in his take on the government’s decision to re-open the cod fishery. Politics will always trump science if it will get votes. The consequences of this action will be felt at a later date and by then it will be too late. As he so astutely concludes, “if the reopened Cod fishery proves to be a disaster, the Minister can always blame the Seals”. It is their modus operandi.

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