
Segal has another hit
in The Secret Chord

The musical hommage to Leonard Cohen delivers the goods

By Byron Toben

December 19, 2024

Following its Titanique hit, the Segal Centre has another one in The Secret Chord: A Leonard Cohen Experience. And just as Titanique was first an Off-Broadway hit, The Secret Chord was first a Soulpepper Concert Production in Toronto.

The cast discusses Leonard Cohen’s life as the bard of Montreal, mixing talk, singing and dancing. Particularly impressive was Travis Knights’ dancing. Also notable were the four other performers: Divine Brown, Emily Schultz, Evan Buliung and Andrew Penner. The five-member band was also well selected with David Terrault as band leader and on piano, Frédéric Bourgeault on trumpet, Jacob Gorzhaltsan on reeds, Tyler Parent on bass and Jonah Baetz on drums.

The Secret Chord

The secret chord was discovered or invented by King David of Ancient Israël as praise to the Lord to match King Solomon’s songs welcoming the Spring. The secret chord notes are the basis, I am informed, of Leonard Cohen’s song Halleluja.

Leonard Cohen is the second most famous grad of Westmount High, after U.S. Presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Westmount magazine readers who have seen or will see The Secret Chord can send me their comments and, if posted here, will be rewarded with a lunch with me, but praise the lord, do not expect monotone me to sing!

The Secret Chord: A Leonard Cohen Experience will resume from January 4 to 12.

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Byron Toben, Westmount Mag’s Theatre reviewer since July 2015, has moved to a new apartment and in so doing, disposed of much clutter, including donating his theatre book collection to the QDF (Quebec Drama Federation) for use by its members for research or inspiration. Famous playwrights included are mostly English (American, British, Irish) such as Albee to Wilder but also some English translations of French, German and Russian playwrights such as Molière, Brecht and Checkov.

On September 17, 2012, the QDF, then headed by Jane Needles, awarded Mr.Toben a certificate for his many contributions to Montreal theatre over the years, predating its current annual designation of unsung heroes.

Images: Marie-Andrée Lemire

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Byron Toben, a past president of The Montreal Press Club, has been’s theatre reviewer since July 2015. Previously, he wrote for since-terminated websites Rover Arts and Charlebois Post, print weekly The Downtowner, and print monthly The Senior Times. He also is an expert consultant on U.S. work permits for Canadians.

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