
Residents may be eligible
for compensation

Claims period open in the Ville-Marie highway class action

The class action seeks compensation for the people who suffered damages because of excessive noise resulting from the repair work performed on the Ville-Marie expressway in 1998, 1999 and 2000.

These settlement agreements have been concluded and provide that an aggregate amount in principal, interest, and costs of at least $ 2.9 million and up to a maximum of $ 3.5 million, will be paid by the defendants for the benefit of class members, without admission of liability.

The amount of compensation that will be paid to each eligible person will depend on the total number of claims submitted and accepted.

Can I claim?

All persons who resided within 350 meters to the south and 170 meters to the north of the Ville-Marie highway, between Guy and De Carillon streets, between 1998 and 2000, are concerned by this class action and could get a compensation.

ville marie 720 highway compensation area -

The blue zone is the area affected by the class action. (Click on map to see larger version.)

A list of addresses within the perimeter defined by the class action is available on the website of the claims administrator.

If you are not on the list, you can call the claims administrator at 514 287-1000 or 1-800-287-8587.

How to claim?

To claim, you must fill out the form available at the following address:
Please read the instructions on the claim form that explain how to fill your claim and what documents are required.

You must submit your claim form to the claims administrator before May 28, 2018: failing this, you will not be compensated and you will lose all your rights under the class action.

For any information on the claims process, please contact the claims administrator, Collectiva, at 514 287-1000, 1-800-287-8587 or

How much can I get?

The amount of compensation you will receive depends on the area in which you resided in 1998, 1999 and/or 2000 and will also depend on the number of people who will submit a valid claim.

The areas most affected, the distance from your residence to the Ville-Marie highway and the period during which you lived in the class action perimeter were factors that were taken into account in determining the compensation.

You can consult the list of addresses within the perimeter defined by the class action to see in which zone you are in as well as the distribution protocol that explains in more detail the determination of indemnity.

Please share this information with anyone who may be concerned.
For more onformation visit

Feature image: Somtl (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons


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