
Pause For Poetry:
Michael Hawkes /74

How Many Moons Full

A poem by Michael Hawkes

How many bright butterfly wings will I see

how many full moons rising

how many moments of ecstasy

how many things new and surprising.

How many humming bird gleams will I glimpse

how many more dear will look in my eye

will any more maidens, muses or nymphs

appear to enchant me by and by.

How many blue robin eggs will there have been

how many ladybird spots will I count

how many stars will I ever have seen

how will I know the final amount.

How many nows can there possibly be…

all the stars I will ever see

all the spots on all the eggs

and the maidens fair white legs

all the dear and all the gleams

in ecstatic dreams

of moonlit wings

and the wonder of things

that I’ve seen I’m seeing now.

16/4/24 – Hawkes

Feature image: Frank Cone – PexelsBouton S'inscrire à l'infolettre – WestmountMag.ca

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Michael Hawkes - WestmountMag.ca

Michael Hawkes is a survivor of all the world’s wars. He learned (and loved to rhyme) by torturing the hymns he had to sing at school. A retired West Coast fisherman living in Montreal since 2013, he is an unschooled Grandpa Moses writing an average of five poems every week.


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