The Fringe and Bloomsday are back plus offerings
from Gingold, Red Bull and Irish Rep. By Byron Toben
Tag Archives: Cummings Centre
Streaming events from the resilient theatre communities
of Montreal and New York. By Byron Toben
Some excellent shows to catch
before they are over! By Byron Toben
Plenty of theatre offerings including a fundraiser
for Canadian actors. By Byron Toben
A wide variety of entertainment offerings
for the end of month. By Byron Toben
Some freebies courtesy of the Cummings Centre,
New York’s Mint Theater and the NFB. By Byron Toben
As the pandemic continues, entertainment groups
find ways to cope. By Byron Toben
Grammy winner Jennifer Gasoi and accomplished pianist Chad Linsley at the Cummings Centre. By Mary-Ann Lacey
The third of David Novek’s movie series featured
the two greatest male film dancers. By Byron Toben
David Novek continues the series with the
legendary film scriptwriter. By Byron Toben
Third installment of lecture series looks at contemporary Jewish comediennes. By Byron Toben
Second installment of lecture series looks at Jewish comediennes since mid-century. By Byron Toben